2013年11月21日 星期四



就安裝期間,見到電腦個Dropbox 把我的容量增加了48G!  Amazing! !  真的萬萬也想不到。到網上搵吓發生咩事,原來係Dropbox增送給三叔的用家,鼓勵使用。加埋基本的有50G,同其他雲端儲存睇齊。但係明明一直有用,點解現在先送?細看魔鬼細節,有以下一句:

Promotion not available in China, Cuba, Iran, North Korea, Sudan, or Syria.

原來從外國公司眼中,強國是跟這類國家睇齊。不過這也不是新鮮事,多年來係大陸上唔到Facebook, 睇唔到蘋果,連Google search都唔順,所以Dropbox有此安排又不其怪。

不過,更可恨的是,他們視香港就是中國!唔用其他國家嘅firmware就真係一世都唔知!  可唔可以香港就係香港呀???

Terms of the free space for two-years promotion
For Samsung Android smartphones and tablets that have the Dropbox application pre-loaded with the “out-of-box experience,” the promotion is available to the first user who (a) registers for Dropbox through the “out-of-box experience” and (b) completes Dropbox's "Get Started" guide. The promotion is for a single Dropbox personal plan account to receive, for 2 years, an additional 48 GB of storage space in addition to the storage space Dropbox offers to users with a free account (currently up to 18 GB). Each user is only eligible for one promotion of this type for a single account. When the 2-year promotion period ends, the 48 GB of promotional space added to the user's Dropbox service will be automatically removed. An additional 3 GB of storage space will be added to the account. Use of Dropbox is subject to the Dropbox Terms of Service, Privacy Policy, and other terms available at http://www.dropbox.com/terms. Promotion not available in China, Cuba, Iran, North Korea, Sudan, or Syria.

